Sunday, December 23, 2007

Life is all about making choice. It is up to us to move now and create our own solution to the problems that our world is currently facing. We can’t just sit here and wait for the world to change because it is our responsibility to work things out and make a real change.
An amazing website called boat angel will accept boat as a donation to sell it to eBay and finance a project that will distribute a children animation DVD for free. All the money they can get from the sold boat will go directly to the institution to start the project. Boat Angel aims to provide all these free stuff to help people to change their lives and be inspired by the movies that they created.
Personally, I think that this group did a great job in creating something that is useful to people. It can help children who can’t afford to buy educational materials, to acquire an alternative for their educational needs. People should support this kind of charitable works and contribute something for the benefit of the others in need.
To get more information, visit their website now and start your own change. Help the “Donate my boat” project and donate a boat now.

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